Well, thanks to the waiting, I've realized what an indicator of success really is: I have a bunch of wonderful people and musicians in the Robin Gottfried Band that have devoted their time and efforts to learn my songs and will work in clubs for practically nothing in support of this 'labor of love'. That to me is success. Yes, it would be lovely to not have to worry about money, but c'mon, how much harder would it be if I couldn't find the caliber of musicians like these guys?! That's it. Enough said. Except for thanks, guys, sincerely...it will never be taken for granted. Thank you for helping me reach this success.
I'll sign off with an excerpt from a wonderful blog writer, J. MIchael Dolan, that really struck home for me and was much needed when I read it:
And the Artist rested, after an exhausting week of battle, some of it physical, most of it mental, all of it worth it.
And the Artist rested, after a confronting week of intimately interacting with others, who for the most part, may not have regarded a word she said.
And the Artist rested, after a weary week of winning some battles, losing others, and feeling indifferent towards the war itself.
And the Artist rested, after a perplexing week of making choices and decisions; not the obvious ones, or even the necessary ones, but the ones that relentlessly confronted her from the inside:
What should I do next?
How can I make this work?
Am I capable of doing this?
What if I’m wrong?
How can I make this work?
Am I capable of doing this?
What if I’m wrong?
And the Artist laid her weary mind to rest, for just this hour, knowing that soon enough a new hour will beckon a new battle.
Thanks! See ya's!